Q: What services do you provide?
A: I will review your case and determine if the officer(s) properly handled your incident based on the established protocols.
Q: What do you offer that other experts do not?
A: I provide you with twenty five plus years of real life service from the field and the front of the classroom. Through my experience and training I will be able to determine if every protocol was followed properly. My experience is not only from the classroom (both instructing and participant) but from the practical application from practical experience of working actual patrol and interacting with individuals in uncontrolled settings. I have created operating procedures which have been copied and utilized in several police agencies.
Q: What is the difference between DWI and DUI?
A: New Jersey Law is written as DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) while many other states recognize DUI (Driving Under the Influence). The way New Jersey’s law is written they practically mean the same thing because the intoxication can be from substances other than alcohol.
Q: What can you tell me about your experience in DRE & DWI?
A: Unlike others in my profession of providing expert review and testimony, my experience ranges from being an instructor in DRE & DWI/DUI to performing field testing in real life situations to numerous instances of testimony on the stand.
Q: How successful are you?
A: My knowledge and actual hands on experience along with my attention to detail allows me to review, write and testify at an expert level.
Q: What is your schooling and certifications?
A: All my certifications can be reviewed on my Curriculum Vitae’ page, however I continue to stay current and attend seminars on a regular basis. I retired as a certified DRE and DRE Instructor while performing hundreds of evaluations in arrest situations, Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Instructor, Alcotest 7110MKIIIC Operator, as well as an instructor in Portable breath testing units.
Q: Why should you utilize the services of Vito a. Abrusci DUI Consulting?
A: If you are seeking the experience and knowledge of an expert in the defense of a DUI related matter, then choosing any other firm will provide you or your client with less than the highest quality defense that you deserve. I will provide you with the attention to detail that you expect from an expert with the level of an instructor as well as the experience from the practical application of the testing.